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Bigger is not always better

With the new generation anchors, a bigger anchor is not always better.


New-generation anchors are a popular choice among boaters due to their ability to dive deep and provide a reliable hold. However, it is important to choose the correct size anchor for your boat to ensure that it can perform as designed. Using an anchor that is too big for your boat can actually diminish its ability to hold your vessel.

It is important to understand that a bigger anchor will not necessarily develop more hold than a smaller one if it is not buried properly. The ability of your anchor to hold your boat is determined by its burial, which is affected by your engine power or windage. If you can set a 15kg anchor to a 300kg hold, then a 20kg anchor will develop the same hold under the same conditions, except the 20kg anchor will be set more shallow. Therefore, it is important to follow the sizing recommendations provided by the manufacturer to ensure that you are using the correct size anchor for your boat.

Using an anchor that is not buried deeply can cause several issues. For example, an unburied shank will not act as a vertical fluke, which may reduce the resistance of the anchor to yawing. Additionally, in light winds, a shallow set anchor could be prone to the chain getting under the shank and tripping the anchor. A large anchor that cannot be deeply set may also trip easily, and there is no guarantee that it will re-set cleanly by itself. Moreover, a too-large anchor will not have its full fluke buried and therefore will not use its full fluke area, which will reduce its holding power. An anchor that is not fully buried also does not have the fluke/shackle hole optimum angle designed to its pull direction and will not have its maximum holding power when pulled.

It is important to consider the consequences of using an anchor that is too big for your boat. In addition to being inconvenient and potentially damaging to your windlass and pulpit, it can also be unsafe. It can affect your vessel's maneuverability and increase the risk of it breaking loose in a strong wind or current.

In conclusion, choosing the right size anchor for your boat is crucial to ensuring its safety and stability. 


So when choosing an anchor that is too big, it is not just the inconvenience of using it, affecting your windlass, your pulpit, and your back (or your spouse's back - then you will definitely suffer), it is above all not safe.

in this photo, a well-buried anchor

 Buy your anchor here


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